Big Data


Zhang, Junhua & Zhang, Boli. “Clinical research of traditional Chinese medicine in big data era.” Frontiers of Medicine, vol. 8, no. 33, Sep. 2014, pp. 321-327. ProQuest, Accessed 14 Nov. 2017.

Learning Outcome 5&6:

In high school I didn’t have to make my own citations; we always used online resources to do it for us. Now I know how to write a citation for different types of sources thanks to the Little Seagull book. Until recently I didn’t know that in text citations are different for different formats; such as APA is: last name and year of publication but MLA is: last name and page number if there is one. For example, in my big data paper, the one in text citation I used was when I repeated a source from a previous paragraph and because we used MLA format it was the last name of the author and the page number. I found out that I had been using APA in text citations for all formats until this semester in English 110. However, I don’t tend to use in text citations all that much because when I use a new source I mention the author and the title of the source so that it’s clear to the reader where the evidence is coming from.