Peer Review

Learning Outcome 4:

Since I’ve been in English 110, my ability to peer review has improved immensely. I now feel that I can review anyone’s paper and give helpful critiquing comments. Before English 110, my idea of peer reviews were looking at someone’s paper and looking for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors; however, I now know that it is about more than just grammar, punctuation and spelling errors. Peer reviews should consist of enough comments on the overall paper and on the small things like grammar, punctuation and spelling so the writer can make both local and global revisions. The rubrics we get for peer reviews are very helpful because they remind us of what we should be looking for. For example, comment #5 I point out what the conflict is and then I give suggestions to add text-to-self or text-to-text connections in that section to make it stronger by having more supporting evidence. Then with comment #9 I mention that the writer tends to switch from present tense to past tense and vice versa. Both these comments give the writer some global and local revisions to make. Now at the end of English 110 I feel that I can review a peer’s paper and give substantially better feedback that will actually help improve their paper.

With this paper I highlighted “They Say” and “I Say” first to point out the transition from my claims to the evidence. Then in pen I wrote side notes on the changes I made or needed to change.